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Free - 11+ Creative Writing Mock Test

Take this free "11+ Creative Writing Mock Test" to see how prepared your child for 11+ exams. Sign-up now:

Only -142 places left for this week.

  • We email a creative writing test.
  • Your child will write the test.
  • You take a picture of your child’s write-up and just email us.
  • We will respond within 48 hours with detailed, feedback, evaluation and grading. It’s completely free !

At learn2write we are a team of qualified and experienced English Teachers and Professors who provide structured guidance on how to tackle each writing task, under time constraints. We follow that up with personalised evaluation, feedback and grading on each task.

See how learn2write can help and benefit your child:

  • Personalised evaluation, feedback and grading.
  • Special focus on 11+ creative writing
  • Specific guidance for each writing task
  • Curriculum developed by expert teachers
  • All genres covered
  • Save time and money from expensive tuitions
  • Confident and happy writers

Don't leave your child’s Creative Writing and Comprehension to chance.

This could mean a lifetime of missed opportunities of good education.

Parent Testimonials:

Excellent improvement in my Child’s writing ability. Even teacher noticed the big improvement in his writing skills.
– Pavitra Rathore

Fantastic improvement in my DS’s 2 writing ability. His teacher even commented at the last parent evening.
– Oluwaseun Ogunleye

The tasks from Learn2Write improved his writing skills dramatically. He now has a passion for writing, something we never thought was achievable.
– Niromi Fernando

This service is not only for children they can help other people as well Very helpful staff if ur stuck in how to write what to write don’t go anywhere just contact learn 2 write team definitely they will help u.they helped me lot nobody else could do it but they did .thank u very much learn2 write team.I appreciate it. Thanx again god bless u all.
– Mandy Gakhal

I must say it's a great platform to introduce creative writing for a reluctant child like mine. The guidelines are fantastic, easy to follow.
– Sharmistha Ganguly